unknown mortal orchestra umo nos alive 2024 lisbon portugalUnknown Mortal Orchestra are the new confirmation for the first day of NOS Alive’24. The band led by Ruban Nielson joins the already confirmed Arcade Fire, The Smashing Pumpkins, Benjamin Clementine, Jessie Ware, Black Pumas, Nothing But Thieves and Kenya Grace.

Tickets are available at the usual venues and at nosalive.com. The FNAC NOS Alive’24 Fan Pack, an exclusive pack designed with the festival’s fans in mind, is already on sale in FNAC stores and at fnac.pt.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra present their double album V released in March this year. In this new work, which is the group’s fifth studio album, V evokes blue skies, seaside cocktail bars, hotel swimming pools and the darkness that lurks beneath perfect, immaculate surfaces.

“In Hawaii, everything moved away from me and my music,” said Nielson. “I’ve suddenly spent more time understanding what others need and what my role is within my family. I’ve also learned that things I thought were true of me are bigger than I thought. My way of getting up to mischief – this isn’t just me – it’s my whole Polynesian side. I thought I was moving away from music to concentrate on family, but the two ended up connecting.”

One of V for Nielson’s main aims was to create music and art that transcends notions of influence and cultural value, while at the same time seeking to inject some excitement back into the music-making process. It’s about having fun making music and art and, in doing so, reconquering taste as a personal part of identity, propelling the group to new creative heights.

These new heights take shape on July 11, on the Heineken Stage at the 16th edition of NOS Alive.